Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bubble Art

Last week we did bubble art. The kids had a lot of fun with this activity. We had two bowls of bubbles and paint. I would blow the bubbles for the students and they would pop the bubbles on their papers. When the bubbles popped they left a painted bubble. It was a lot of fun!

Pumpkin Plants Week 4

We moved our seeds that have not sprouted to the window. Hopefully a little extra sun will help them along! The others are ready to go outside!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Road To Success Assembly

This week we had our Road To Success assembly. It was a fun way to celebrate the end of testing! I am so proud of our class and the minutes we read!!! The students LOVED the magician and his funny magic tricks! I think it was their favorite part! At the end we all got a yummy cookie to celebrate our success.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pumpkin Plants Week 3

We still have a few plants that have not sprouted yet. The plants that have sprouted are getting big and strong! Hopefully they will all sprout by next week!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Field Trip

We had a fabulous time on our field trip. Luckily the rain didn't come...a little sunshine would have been nice!

We learned all about the food chain. To help us understand more we became our own food chain. It was hard work passing the "energy popcorn."

The kids LOVED looking for insects in the pond water. You can't imagine how many tiny creatures they found!

We were looking for baby ducks, but the dead fish was way more exciting!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

UTIPS Testing

Some students said they had trouble getting the UTIPS testing. Here is the link to follow and instructions. If you still need help let me know!
Go to My Tests at the bottom of the page
Click on the standard you want to take a test for
Select Simple Login
Type first and last name
Click Login and Start

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pumpkins Week Two!

Sorry this is so slow, but here is an update on our pumpkins. A few have started to grow and are getting big! Hopefully more will sprout next week! The children have loved coming in each day and checking their plant.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Writing Instructions

This week we have been learning how to write instructions. Today we each wrote our own instructions for how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Here are a few of the sandwiches we made with our recipes. Not the outcome we were looking for!!! This helped us to see how we need to include each step, be specific and put our instructions in order. Luckily our class came up with some great instructions the second time around that helped us make some good sandwiches!