Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weather Book

This week we started our weather books. Each month we will be tracking and graphing the weather in our books. We will also be able to learn more about the months of the year and what makes each month and season special!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Nutrition Feast

We had a great time at our Nutrition Feast! Thanks for all of the donations that were sent in. Hope you like the pictures...I am now being asked to take specific pictures because they know they'll be on the blog! Too cute!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Just a reminder to send in a pair of headphones to use in the computer lab. It really helps keep the kids healthy if they are not sharing headphones! Thanks!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Green Ribbon Week

This week is Green Ribbon Week. Each day we will be talking about safety. Today's theme was Hands on Your Heart. We made a pledge to be safe!

Color Value

On Friday we learned about Color Value. The kids were so excited to use watercolors for the first time this year! We painted dragons in three different shades!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Synonym Game

This week we learned about synonyms. Synonyms are two words that mean the same. Here is a fun synonym game that you can play at home.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


This week we started our nutrition unit. To help us learn more about nutrition we are getting help from the Royal Food Family and Little D. We will do lots of fun activities, read silly stories and play games over the next two weeks to help us learn about nutrition. Look for information and papers coming home daily about what we talked about!
Here are some online activities that you can do at home!