Monday, October 18, 2010

Red Ribbon Week

This week is Red Ribbon Week!
Monday - Wear Red
Tuesday - Wear Slippers
Wednesday - Inside Out Day
Thursday - Wear a Tie
Friday - Team Wear

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Spooky Pumpkins

We had a blast with our spooky pumpkins. Thanks for everyone that donated a pumpkin. We did a lot of math activities with the pumpkins and got a little messy in the process!


This week we learned that an antonym is two words that mean the opposite. Play this battleship game to review what we learned!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Moon Pictures

Today we did some fun moon pictures! First we looked at pictures of the moon. We noticed the moon had lots of craters and was gray and brown. We used our glue bottles to create craters on our moons. After the glue dried we painted the moons.


Next week we will be doing pumpkin activities. If you could donate a pumpkin for our activities please send it in before Wednesday. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Our New Friend

This morning before school one of our students found a banded woolly bear caterpillar on the playground. We had a fun day watching it crawl around and trying to come up with names for it!


We have started our moon unit in second grade. Our goal is to understand that the moon and stars change in the sky. Please observe and record changes in the moon each night on your record sheet!