Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Thunder Cake

Our story last week was Thunder Cake. It's a wonderful story about a little girl that is afraid of the storm. Her grandma decides to have her help make Thunder Cake. While making the Thunder Cake she learns that she is brave and doesn't need to be afraid of the storm. At the end of the story the author gave us the Thunder Cake recipe. On Friday we had Thunder Cake Cupcakes!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Those Pesky Leprechauns

Sadly the window in our classroom was left open last night and the Leprechauns got in. They made such mess in our classroom. They left footprints and Leprechaun Dust all over our tables. Luckily, they left us some Leprechaun Juice. Liam the Leprechaun told us to drink it very slow and it might turn our feet green while we sleep.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Dr. Seuss Read-a-Thon

We had such a fun time at our Read-a-Thon on Friday. The kids loved being able to just relax, read books, and eat yummy food!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Jump For Heart

We jumped our hearts out today for the American Heart Association!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Chango Bars

This week our story was Jalapeno Bagels. It was a fun story about a bakery. For International Day at school, Pablo wants a treat from his family bakery to reflect his culture. But he has a hard time deciding between his Mexican mother's and his Jewish father's wonderful baked goods.

One of the items the bakery made was Chango Bars. They gave us their recipe at the end of story! Enjoy!

1/2 Cup Butter
1/2 Cup Margarine
2 Cups Brown Sugar
3 Eggs
2 1/3 Cups Flour
1 T Baking Powder
1 tsp. Salt
1 Cup Chocolate Chips
1 Cup Mixed Nuts (Optional)

Melt butter and margarine
Cream brown sugar and eggs then add melted mixture
Combine flour, baking powder, and salt and stir into mixture
Fold in chocolate chips and nuts
Pour mixture into greased 9x13 inch pan
Bake at 350 degrees 45-50 minutes